The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson

“Candice picked up the letter, thinking it was an old piece of mail that had been used as a bookmark long ago. She flipped it over, looking for the address. Instead, she found a small note. Find the path. Solve the puzzle.” This is just the beginning of the journey that Candice awaits. In the book, The Parker Inheritance, by Varian Johnson, it follows the story of a young girl named Candice Miller. She is a normal girl who is spending the summer at her Grandma’s house that has passed away. One day, she went into the addict with her friend Brandon trying to find some new books to read, but new books isn’t what she found. She found a letter that her Grandma had placed just for her. The letter said that there was a hidden treasure that a modern day person would try hard and fail to succeed. Her Grandma tried and failed. With the help of her friends and her brain, she has another chance. Will Candice succeed and find what the letter holds? Or will she try and fail like her past relatives? Read, The Parker Inheritance, by Varian Johnson to find out how the story unfolds.