Patina by Jason Reynolds

In the book, Patina, by Jason Reynolds it follows a girl named Patina (Patty) Jones. She works really hard in school and is a really good runner. Her father passed and both of her mom’s legs got amputated. She has to take care of her little sister and she runs for her mom because of her amputations. School and track take up most of her time so she always wants do stuff for her sister but it ends up being her aunt that does it for her. She has problems at school and she doesn’t have many friends. She has to research about a girl named Frida and that takes up most of her time at home.

She has been really nervous because she lost her race that she should of ran and won and she just started the 800 relay. She has a lot of peer pressure and here is her preparation,” I glanced up at the crowd. At first everyone was a smear of color and sound. Except for a few people. Then a few people came into focus. Cotton. I couldn’t tell if she was winking or not, but she might’ve been. I could see Maddy, but even more, hear her, hear her screaming my name as if it was just her and me in a tunnel. And next to her, for the first time in forever, Ma. Her arms raised high in the air, her fingers tickling the sky. I couldn’t hear her, but I could see her lips forming a P. Pancake. She might’ve been saying Patty. But she had to be saying Pancake. TO DO: Just run. And Win. Here we go.” To find out what happens read, “Patina”, by Jason Reynolds

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